
1. Reiki Ryoho - The Healing Art
Reiki Ryoho(Healing Art) is a Japanese healing technique that utilizes deep relaxation to calm and relax the mind, reduce stress, and ease the spirit. Reiki can be combined with other healing modalities.

  • Komyo Reiki Kai - Kyoto
  • Komyo Reiki Kai - New York
  • Mind Body Spirit Healing Journey
  • Komyo Reiki kai New York: Training Schedule
  • International Association of Reiki Professionals

International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP)

IARP Membership 

Mention Promo Code LM323 to get a $10.00 off your new IARP membership compliments of Lilia V. Marquez.

  • The American Holistic Nurses Association's response to the Catholic Bishops Guidelines to Reiki                                                                                                                                                                      
    • Holistic Nursing Practice Governed by Scope and Standards of Practice 
    • Denying Reiki Creates Ethical Violation 
    • Research substantiates Benefits of Reiki Treatment
2. Hypnosis - "YOU are what YOU think"  
*Hypnosis is a state in which an individual becomes highly responsive to suggestions for positive and beneficial behaviors made during this state.

World Hypnotism Day

3. Health and Nutrition- "YOU are what YOU eat and drink"
*Primary Food is more than what is in your plate. Healthy relationships, regular physical activity, a fulfilling career and a spiritual practice can fulfill your soul and satisfy your hunger for life.

Eat Smart Play Hard
Institute of Integrative Nutrition Grad Directory

DISCUSS use of complementary and alternative medicine. ASK your patients. TELL your providers. TALK about it. THIS WIDGET

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine