1. Reiki Ryoho - The Healing Art
Reiki Ryoho(Healing Art) is a Japanese healing technique that utilizes deep relaxation to calm and relax the mind, reduce stress, and ease the spirit. Reiki can be combined with other healing modalities.
- Komyo Reiki Kai - Kyoto
- Komyo Reiki Kai - New York
- Mind Body Spirit Healing Journey
- Komyo Reiki kai New York: Training Schedule
- International Association of Reiki Professionals
International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP)
2. Hypnosis - "YOU are what YOU think"
*Hypnosis is a state in which an individual becomes highly responsive to suggestions for positive and beneficial behaviors made during this state.
- Power Hypnosis New York http://powerhypnosisnewyork.blogspot.com
World Hypnotism Day
3. Health and Nutrition- "YOU are what YOU eat and drink"*Primary Food is more than what is in your plate. Healthy relationships, regular physical activity, a fulfilling career and a spiritual practice can fulfill your soul and satisfy your hunger for life.
Eat Smart Play Hard
Institute of Integrative Nutrition Grad Directory
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine