YOU are what YOU think

"YOU Are What YOU Think"

You are a living magnet
What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thought
-Brian Tracy

Hypnotism is the science.
Hypnosis is the state of mind.

HYPNOSIS is a state in which an individual becomes highly responsive to suggestions for positive and beneficial behaviors made during this state

 National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc. (NGH)

National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc. (NGH)
  • Established in 1951, the Guild has grown to over 12,000 members, with over 100 local chapters in 65 different countries. A growing percentage of NGH members have academic credentials in other fields, including medicine, psychology, counseling and nursing. 
  • The National Guild of Hypnotists has been acknowledged, even by other professional hypnotism groups, as the number one association in the field. 
The services I render are held out to the public as non-therapeutic hypnotism, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. I do not represent my services as any form of medical, behavioral or mental health care, and despite research to the contrary, by law I may make no health benefit claims for my services.

Can everyone be hypnotized? - Tim Nicoli,BCH,CI

World Hypnotism Day

Provided by World Hypnotism Day

World Hypnotism Day is January 4th